Le Vent à la Française has wanted to highlight a new production model since its inception. Our company emphasizes local craftsmanship and excellent know-how, but also the importance of the human relationship inherent in an active eco-responsible company. We want to preserve French craftsmanship, promote short circuits and encourage employment. We also have a very rooted social project. We are very proud of these established partnerships and we couldn't resist telling you more about them!
Our bracelets are made by the little hands of ESAT Pierre Doussinet
The essential role of work in social integration
Work meets essential needs for everyone's personal development. Beyond allowing anyone to earn an honest living and feel financially secure, work allows you to be fully fulfilled. It promotes the feeling of belonging to a group, encourages social exchanges, nourishes the need for self-esteem and recognition. Work facilitates social integration and access to a certain level of happiness.
The ESAT, Establishment and Service of Assistance through Work, rely on work to support users. Work is not a simple task to be carried out among many others, but a lever, a tool to accompany the person with a disability towards greater autonomy and fulfilment.
ESATs in France work to:
- Maintain the employment of disabled workers in order to guarantee them personalized support and an adapted professional project
- Take into account the autonomy of people with disabilities and their ability to work,
- Compensate and adapt the workstation and thus promote the successful completion of the professional project of the disabled person,
- Compensate for the disability of the disabled employee by promoting the autonomy of people and their personal development,
- Maintain employment which allows inclusion in the ordinary environment,
- Adapt the tasks of each and enhance the potential of people with disabilities through work,
- Benefit from recognition of the qualities and skills of each person.
Accompanied, protected and adapted work allows each beneficiary, each employee with a disability, to carry out a professional activity in order to promote their integration.
Integrating people with disabilities is one of the challenges that our society must fully meet. This is why private companies like ours have a major role to play.
Proposing partnerships with these structures makes it possible to maintain the employment of disabled workers, but not only. The ESAT, thanks to a long-term collaboration, will be able to best support each disabled person on an adapted and evolving workstation according to their profile.
This is why, within our CSR approach, beyond preserving employment and French craftsmanship, it seemed essential to us to promote the integration of people with disabilities and to enhance the potential of each person. by work.
Our collection of bracelets made at ESAT Pierre Doussinet
The ESAT Pierre Doussinet is a reception establishment for people with mental illnesses without intellectual disabilities. The profile of each worker is taken into account. The position and schedules are arranged to enhance the skills of each.
ESAT Pierre Doussinet in Romagnat (63)
The objective of the centre's team, in addition to supporting users in accessing a fulfilling social and professional life, is to facilitate their integration into society.
The ideology and values promoted by the ESAT Pierre Doussinet team echoed our own human and social values. Our partnership quickly became obvious.
Since 2017, the workers of the ESAT of Romagnat in the 63 are therefore responsible for the assembly of our bracelets and their shipment.
We are very happy with this collaboration and proud of the quality work they provide. The result is up to our expectations. The wristbands are strong, durable and highly valued by our customers.
To find out more about this approach, you can watch a dedicated report.
Our approach to donating to the disabled sports league AuRA
In the continuity of our approach and in order to continue our action in the field, we wanted to set up a solidarity contribution with the disabled sports league AuRA.
If work is one of the levers of integration, the practice of a sport is an essential support for social life. It is a source of commitment and fulfilment, it allows you to surpass yourself and sometimes to discover yourself. In all sporting practices, there is a desire for performance, but also a form of mutual aid, solidarity and deep respect for others.
In order to make access to sport possible for all, there is still a long way to go. But associations like the Handisport AuRA league work in this direction every day.
In recent years, many sports have become accessible for people with disabilities. The infrastructures have been adapted and clubs have emerged to bring together a group of able-bodied and disabled people around the same sport. Whether in a wheelchair or visually impaired, tennis, football, basketball, athletics and judo are accessible to everyone.
Feats like that of Damien Seguin, the leading disabled sports competitor in the Vendée Globe, then become possible. The young man aboard the Apicil has completed his solo sailing trip around the world. After 68 days of racing, he finished just 18 hours after winner Yannick Bestaven and took 4th place. For a first race, it's quite an achievement!

Damien Seguin aboard his sailboat
At Le Vent à la Française , we love these wonderful stories, they offer hope, willpower and a great lesson in life. And if, on our small scale, we allow thousands more stories like this to come true in the years to come, then we will be that much prouder of our company.
Our collection of bracelets: a great human adventure!
Our bracelets are emblems of the values we hold. They represent a unique and preserved French know-how. They value a production model that is more respectful of the environment, but also more ethical and human. Finally, they emphasize solidarity, mutual aid, and respect. Solid and durable, they are like great athletes, determined to always go further.
When you buy one of our bracelets, it's a bit of all of these things that you find in your precious package.
If you want to discover our collections, it's right here !