3 blogs dont on ne se lasse plus
3 blogs dont on ne se lasse plus

3 blogs that we never get tired of

But what is a blog for?


The idea of ​​blogging still seems incongruous to a lot of people. So why did we make this choice?
Maintaining this part of our site is nevertheless essential for us, and we have decided to take it seriously. Articles are implemented every day for our readers, and the often very positive feedback we get makes us want to go further and further.

At first glance, current events are at the center of our brand. We try to keep ourselves informed daily of what is happening in the world to transcribe it to you. However, we are not like newspapers.
Our identity is even inscribed in our blog, what we are looking for in the first place is you sharing our advice on our brand, but also on others, as well as our new finds.
We also like to tell you more about us, our brand, and the changes taking place in our company. It is a way of explaining to you why our values ​​are as they are, and how we are committed every day to maintaining them.


Our sources of inspiration...


To create our content, we spend a lot of time on the news. All this extensive research has led us to discover blogs that we now use regularly, to draw inspiration from their advice, their ethics, and their content. It is never a question of copying another blog in our interest, but of learning about what it does and what it shows us on a daily basis. We are also curious! And we love to read their articles which are sometimes deliciously interesting.

Attaching our brand of bracelets to abundant news is not child's play! Everything must be coordinated to offer you the best content that we can offer you. Because both our customers and our readers are important to us.

Sharing is the watchword in the Le Vent team, to help each other and accomplish each other perfectly by going as far as possible.
It is therefore obvious for us to share with you little secret blogs that can help you deploy your culture, your creativity, and your ethics.




Among the best known of all, Wedressfair is a gem in its purest form.
This team is passionate about fashion and responsibility. This has given many people the opportunity to combine the two in turn.


For men and for women


The men's and women's categories give visibility to brands that should have more. The site takes part in the effort by allowing consumers to find what they need, while highlighting brands that have been built around values ​​in search of respect for workers and for the environment.


The media


This category will allow you to discover articles on many subjects.
To begin , a few lines on ethical fashion, its definition, the materials it uses and why favor it more than others.

What is the problem ? Understand the different debates around questions that Wedressfair is committed to answering, so that we can fully measure the problem of current fashion.

Like at school! Small practical sheets are written by the good care of the editorial staff so that everything is clearer in everyone's head. Explanation of textile materials, ethical fashion labels, tools for responsible consumption... in short, everything you need to master!

Wedressfair shares its opinion on brands , and on major issues such as sales.

Advice and sharing are predominant on a site like this, thanks to the articles posted there, where you can read summer tips, where you can find 8 brands of vegan sneakers or learn good climate news in 2020 .

This site is original, authentic, easy to use, and that's why we love browsing it so much. Requirement, fairness, transparency, eco-responsibility, style: these are the pillars of this responsible fashion site.




Good or good


“Young passionate site seeks committed consumers for a lasting relationship.”

This site seems to have its place in this article. The redesign of the site does not give us the opportunity to tell you much about the history of it, for the moment, but you will be able to discover it very soon.
In the meantime, here are the reasons why we love this platform…


News deciphered


The Bien ou Bien team deciphers for you the news of the responsible consumption sector with its various articles. “The kiss method, to stop over-consuming” and “5 ways to find second-hand clothes” are two of our favorite articles.
These different articles are a guide to responsible consumption, and are divided into 4 categories: the fashion guide, the food guide, the cosmetics guide, and the home guide.


History of the creators


This section will introduce you to the story of each designer and the story of their brand. It's a good way to discover all the values ​​of a new brand but also the why and how this brand was created. Bien ou Bien goes in search of these founders and offers articles where their words are directly transcribed.


A brand directory


Solitary creators, a small team full of dreams, producers, distributors… All these brands have one thing in common: their values. The categories are numerous, stationery, food, games, sport, animals, accessories...
Each brand presentation follows a specific pattern. First, the brand's social and/or environmental commitment, as well as its history since its creation.

This site brings together simplicity and the essential, which makes it a must on the ethical life to which you aspire.





The Turtle Revolution


It was time for us to tell you about this site which is a little more original than the others.

Indeed, the subjects he deals with are not trivial, but that's what makes him so charming!
Anaëlle is a coach and author, facilitator of sensitive and relevant evolution. If you want to know more about this woman full of ambition, it's here .

But what interests us is the blog she created. To use it, nothing could be simpler! All you have to do is select a category and you will come directly to the articles that talk about it. The little extra thing? This is the originality of the subjects covered.

First, there are articles that deal with mood, emotional intelligence, or how to live happily. Already well-developed topics that you can't find everywhere, and titles that immediately pique our curiosity. Save time, but for what? Allow yourself the right to change.

But going further, there is significant transparency, with for example a category that responds to the name of: Fuck Greenwashing.

In this category, Anaëlle shows that you shouldn't do too much either, as with her article “I can't get enough of your fucking ecological straws”. Eco-friendly straws are a good idea, but do we really need straw?

The site shares with us a new vision of the world, a vision full of value, but which knows how to keep its feet on the ground. Originality, advice, transparency… everything we need to be happy!